Backyard Buoys Backyard Buoys ERDDAP™ Server
Access To Backyard Buoys Data
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Brought to you by Backyard Buoys IOOS NSF    

Who We Are

The Backyard Buoys™ project enables Indigenous and coastal communities to gather and use wave data, enhancing their blue economy and hazard protection. Leveraging low-cost and scalable marine technology, Backyard Buoys offers a system for community-managed ocean buoys and web apps that simplify data access to complement Indigenous Knowledge.



Data Processing:

Backyard Buoys data is collected using Sofar Spotter buoys. The data is quality controlled using IOOS QARTOD tests. Data posted via the Backyard Buoys ERDDAP server is presented with metadata following the IOOS Metadata Profile 1.2 Standard.

Data Citation:

When using Backyard Buoys data, please cite the data as listed in the metadata for each dataset.

Example citation format: Institution. Year. dataset_id. Backyard Buoys. dataset_url
Example citation: Quileute Indian Tribe. 2024. backyardbuoys_quileute_south. Backyard Buoys.

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In addition to serving data, ERDDAP has some handy converters:

Acronyms Convert a Common Oceanic/Atmospheric Acronym to/from a Full Name
FIPS County Codes Convert a FIPS County Code to/from a County Name
Interpolate Interpolate Values From Gridded Dataset Values
Keywords Convert a CF Standard Name to/from a GCMD Science Keyword
Time Convert a String Time to/from a Numeric Time
Units Convert UDUNITS to/from Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)
URLs Convert Out-of-Date URLs into Up-to-Date URLs
Variable Names Convert a Common Oceanic/Atmospheric Variable Name to/from a Full Name

ERDDAP has an
FGDC Web Accessible Folder (WAF) with FGDC‑STD‑001‑1998 (external link) metadata files and an
ISO 19115 Web Accessible Folder (WAF) with ISO 19115‑2/19139 (external link) metadata files for all of the geospatial datasets in this ERDDAP.

RESTful Web Services
You can bypass ERDDAP's web pages and use ERDDAP's RESTful web services (for example, for searching for datasets, for downloading data, for making maps) directly from any computer program (for example, Matlab, R, or a program that you write) and even from web pages (via HTML image tags or JavaScript). RESTful Web Services documentation

Other Features

Status The Status web page is a quick way to check the current status/health of this ERDDAP, including a list of datasets which failed to load.
Out-Of-Date Datasets The Out-Of-Date Datasets web page displays a list of near-real-time datasets, ranked by how out-of-date they are.
Subscriptions ERDDAP has an email/URL subscription system so that you can be notified immediately whenever a dataset changes (for example, whenever new data is added to a near-real-time dataset).
Slide Sorter Anyone can use ERDDAP's Slide Sorter to build a personal web page that displays graphs with the latest data (or other images or HTML content), each in its own, draggable slide.
Data Provider Form The Data Provider Form is for people who have data and want it to be served by this ERDDAP. It collects basic information about the dataset and emails it to this ERDDAP's administrator.

ERDDAP, Version 2.25_1
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